Integrative Retreat

Integrative RetreatMost of us have learned to separate mind, body, emotions, behaviors and spirit, and we do this on a daily and continuous basis. Consequently, life integrity-when our thoughts, feelings, bodies, and behaviors are in alignment--has often become a lost art.

The Integrative group Retreat provides the opportunity to reconnect these various dimensions of our existence and, by so doing, reclaim our vitality and passion for living. We learn to do this from an inner "still point" which grounds us in the face of internal as well as external stressors and crises.

Beginning with various practices to increase awareness and center us in the present, participants will have the opportunity, both individually and in groups, to explore psychological, behavioral and spiritual issues that may arise from periods of meditative quiet.

The form of this retreat is psychospiritual and body-centered in nature. This translates as highly interactive and experiential, while including periods of silence, short talks, individual and group experiences. Some of the opportunities available to participants will include sitting and walking meditation, yoga, body work, individual and group processing, sessions in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), journaling and drumming. Every experience is an invitation, not a requirement, with utmost respect for preference and privacy.

This retreat/workshop supports life transformation and can be general in nature or tailored to specific themes (e.g., Integrity; Emotional Truth; Relationships; Conflict) or groups (open-ended, couples, human service staff, corporate/business groups). Most importantly, there will be time for respite and fun while learning tools to integrate your life in community with others.

Participants will:

  • Learn practices of mindfulness
  • Increase awareness and present-centeredness
  • Learn to inhabit our bodies more consciously
  • Have opportunities for both individual and group processing
  • Explore behavioral patterns and choices that support Integrity
  • Enjoy creative play as well as time alone
  • Experience life and community as it was meant to be.